Dataviz: My Reads (2017)

1 minute read

Let’s see briefly what happened in 2017. (Tools used: GoodReads, R and Highcharts wrapped by Highcharter)

Year evolution


This year the evolution is more uniform. The Stand by Stephen King makes pages per book increase in February, but then several short books lower the average. In August, the number of books grows, but the number of pages is fairly constant along the year.

Analysis per month


August: the month I read more books but the shortest ones. May: the month when I read only large books


Books by number of pages

If we divide books by size, how many of them are there in each group?


The largest group is the one with books with a number of pages between 300 and 399.

Books by publication year

What about divide books by their publication year?


Nothing changes here. I still read more modern books than classics.

Books by rating


Poorer ratings than I wold like…

Authors by number of books


In this year, I have read more than one book by the same author six times, and no more than two books per author.

Comparing books characteristics


This year I read more fiction than non-fiction books, more standalone books than series and more books written by male than by female authors. The last two cases are more balanced than in 2016.



Always a funny kind of graph. Darker colors indicates lower values and lighter colors indicates higher values.


Some highlights:

  • I agree with the community saying that In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom is a great book.
  • Stefan Zweig’s books are the oldest and the shortest ones


2017 at a glance


This year the pairs most similar are The Novice - The High Lord (obvious since they are from the same series and author), and Redshirts - Prince of Thorns, a not so obvious relation…

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